Our mission is to bring together the global negotiation community, we encourage leaders to share their experience and learnings. Our Institute is the leading organization supporting in difficult negotiations worldwide.
We are united by a strong set of values, including a deep commitment to diversity. We make positive social impact through the way we run our Institute.
More about our TeamNegotiation expert Matthias Schranner was originally trained by the police as a lead negotiator for high-stakes situations. For the past 20 years, he and his team at the Schranner Negotiation Institute have been advising clients including the UN, governments, global corporations and political parties in difficult negotiations.
More about Matthias >The term Schranne is derived from the Italian word scranna, court bench, and designated the first instance of the judiciary system. Four benches were set up in a circle, and the case was heard. These discussions and negotiations took place in public, in the market square.Many towns in Southern Germany have a so-called Schrannen Square or Schrannen Hall, which still refer back to this judiciary system.
The two judicial staffs represent dignity and justice. When someone was found guilty, one staff was broken over the condemned person.The German saying “break the staff over someone” is based on that form of sentencing and means “to condemn someone”.
The helmet is the symbol for a knight, a warrior of high social standing.The virtues of a knight are dignity, humility, and bravery.